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  • 29.03.2012 IPOPEMA Securities: 2nd place among the best Research Departments in Forbes' Magazine ranking

    Forbes magazine has published the latest rank of Research Departments and equity analysts, prepared on the assessments of institutional investors. IPOPEMA Securities, as in the last years, is present in the top of the rank. 

    Arkadiusz Chojnacki – head of Research Department, was ranked third among the best analysts. Tomasz Duda who was ranked for the first time, took ninth place. In the rank of Research Departments IPOPEMA Securities came second, winning in the category of "the greatest professionalism". Our company was ranked high in the categories of: the quality (# 2), usefulness (# 3), and completeness of the offer (# 3). 

  • 20.03.2012 IPOPEMA Group had PLN 26,1 mn profits in 2011

    IPOPEMA Securities Group SA published its financial results for the year 2011. During this period the Group's consolidated net profit amounted to PLN 26,1 mn, compared to PLN 18,4 mn from the previous year. The increase in revenues were in all business segments - due to the Group's consolidated revenue rose in 2011 by nearly 12% to PLN 112,3 mn(from PLN 100,5 mn the year before). In terms of individual income, IPOPEMA Securities rose by almost 5% to PLN 72,8 mn.

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  • 13.02.2012 IPOPEMA Securities awarded by the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    IPOPEMA Securities S.A. was ranked Ist in the category of "The largest number of IPO transactions in 2010-2011". The award was granted by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

  • 06.02.2012 Aviva OFE has increased its shareholding in IPOPEMA Securities

    Following the acquisition of shares in IPOPEMA Securities on January 26th 2012, the share of Aviva Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny Aviva BZ WBK in the total vote at the Company’s General Shareholders Meeting exceeded 5%. As at January 31st 2012, Aviva OFE held 1,562,539 shares in the Company, representing 5.29% of the Company's share capital and conferring the right to 1,562,539 votes, or 5.29% of the total vote, at the Company’s General Shareholders Meeting. 

  • 12.01.2012 IPOPEMA has been ranked 2nd in 2011 Capital Markets Warsaw Stock Exchange league tables by Parkiet and Rzeczpospolita

    League table by volume of primary transactions in 2011.

    Press information

  • 30.12.2011 IPOPEMA Securities top ranked in the best Research Departments ranking, published by „Parkiet”

    Equity Analysts from IPOPEMA Securities were the best in their categories in the annual ranking of Equity Research Departments, prepared by “Parkiet” magazine. Arkadiusz Chojnacki – Head of Equity Research Department, once again won in the category of "strategy". Tomasz Duda won in the category of "metals and mining". On the podium were also: Tomasz Bursa (the second place in the category  of "finance"), Arkadiusz Chojnacki again (the second place in the category of "construction and developers' and third place in the category of "trade and distribution"), Paweł Wiśniewski (second place in the category of "technical analysis") and Waldemar Stachowiak (second place in the category of "TMT"). 

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  • 09.11.2011 IPOPEMA Group’s profits after Q3 2011 up year on year

    The IPOPEMA Securities Group has published its financial results for the first three quarters of 2011. For this period, the Group reported consolidated net profit of PLN 24.5m, against PLN 15.7m after three quarters of 2010, which means a growth of 56%. The consolidated net profit for Q3 2011 amounted to PLN 11.7m, having gone up over twofold year on year. Both in Q3 2011 and Q1-Q3 2011, the Group’s performance improved across all operating segments.

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  • 27.10.2011 IPOPEMA Securities – new member of Prague Stock Exchange

    IPOPEMA Securities S.A. has become a new trading member on the Prague Stock Exchange. The company is second purely foreign member of the Prague Stock Exchange. All activities associated with the Prague exchange will be supervised and implemented from Warsaw. The Prague Stock Exchange has 20 members trading in stocks, bonds, investment certificates, warrants and futures on three stock markets.

    Press information

  • 25.10.2011 „Entrepreneur– what does it mean?”

    Jacek Lewandowski - President IPOPEMA Securities, together with Leszek Czarnecki and Zbigniew Grycan, participated in the debate on entrepreneurship, which was held at the Faculty of Law, University of Bialystok and chaired by Roman Mlodkowski, editor of TVN CNBC. The debate was an opportunity to exchange experiences between young people and the well-known entrepreneurs who tried to encourage students to start their own businesses.

    Press information

  • 30.09.2011 Acquisition of Credit Suisse Asset Management (Polska) by IPOPEMA Securities

    The transaction consisting in acquisition of all shares in Credit Suisse Asset Management (Polska) S.A. by IPOPEMA Securities S.A. was closed on September 30th 2011. Following the transaction, the IPOPEMA Group came to include a new subsidiary, which will operate under the name of IPOPEMA Asset Management. The new company manages assets of PLN 2.7bn.

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