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  • 11.12.2013 IPOPEMA Securities was Co-Manager in the IPO of Energa
  • 19.11.2013 Quercus has increased its shareholding in IPOPEMA Securities

    The Management Board of IPOPEMA Securities S.A. reports that it has received a notification from Quercus Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwesty cyjnych S.A., given on behalf of an investment fund under its management, QUERCUS Paraso lowy SFIO (the “Fund”), to the effect that following a regulated-market transaction of Novem ber 18th 2013, the Fund has increased its own share in the total votes in the Company, to more than 5%.

    Prior to the change, the Fund held 1,489,164 Company shares, conferring the right to 1,489,164 votes at the Company’s General Meeting, and representi ng 4.97% of the Company's share capital and total votes at its General Meeting;

    As at November 19th 2013, the Fund holds 1,754,164 Company shares conferring the right to
    1,754,164 votes at the Company’s General Meeting, and representing 5.86% of the Company's share capital and total votes at its General Shareholders Meeting.

  • 07.11.2013 IPOPEMA Securities Group sees higher profit post Q1-Q3 2013

    The IPOPEMA Securities Group has published its financial figures for the first three quarters of 2013, reporting revenue of PLN 74.5m, up nearly 18% from PLN 63.3m in the corresponding period of the previous year. In Q3 2013, the Group's consolidated net profit grew to PLN 1.7m, a threefold increase on the PLN 0.6m of Q3 2012.

    Documents for download:
  • 04.11.2013 IPOPEMA was ranked 3rd in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in October

    With 8,52% share, IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in October 2013.


  • 30.10.2013 IPOPEMA Securities was joint bookrunner in the IPO of PKP Cargo
  • 01.10.2013 IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    With 8,21% share, IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in September 2013.

  • 26.09.2013 Second place among the best brokerage houses in Forbes' magazine ranking

    As every year, Forbes magazine has asked representatives of financial institutions to assess their cooperation with brokerage houses. 9 categories were classified, each of which has an impact on the final shape of the offered services. In the main ranking, which was calculated by summing up all gained points, IPOPEMA Securities was ranked 2nd. Moreover we have achieved the greatest approval, gaining the highest marks in the categories: "the highest professionalism” and “the quality of broker service on the secondary market”. We were also ranked second in the cathegory of "the quality of research reports and recommendations". In addition, investors have chosen the best brokers serving institutional clients. Arkadisz Łabuńko was assessed as the 2nd best broker in Poland.

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  • 22.08.2013 IPOPEMA Securities Group reports H1 2013 profit of PLN 4.4m

    The IPOPEMA Securities Group has published its H1 2013 financial results. In the period, the Group's consolidated revenue rose more than 15%, to PLN 51.6m (from PLN 44.7m a year earlier). On a separate basis, IPOPEMA Securities posted PLN 29.7m in revenue, up nearly 22%. The Group's consolidated net profit was PLN 4.4m, relative to PLN 4.9m in the corresponding period of 2012.

    Documents for download:
  • 01.08.2013 IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange

    With 9,3 % share, IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in July 2013.

  • 12.07.2013 IPOPEMA Securities wins recognition from Euromoney

    IPOPEMA Securities has been awarded the title of “The Best Equity House in Poland” in the “Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2013” competition, organized by  Euromoney Magazine. During the presentation ceremony, held in London on July 11th, the award was presented to Jacek Lewandowski, the company's CEO. 

    In the statement of reasons for its decision, the Euromoney Awards judging panel stated that IPOPEMA deserved recognition for its participation in the largest and most prestigious transactions of the past year. These have included the IPO of Alior Bank (the largest transaction involving a private company in WSE history and the largest IPO of a banking sector company in the CEE region in 2012 - ’Transaction of the year’ in the statement of reasons); and the privatization of PKO BP (the largest transaction on the secondary market in the whole history of the Warsaw Stock Exchange).


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