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  • 29.09.2011 IPOPEMA is the best brokerage house in Forbes' magazine ranking

    As every year, Forbes magazine has asked representatives of financial institutions to assess their cooperation with brokerage houses. 9 categories were classified, each of which has an impact on the final shape of the services offered. In the main ranking, which was calculated by summing up all gained points, IPOPEMA Securities was ranked 1st.

    Moreover we have achieved the greatest approval, gaining the highest marks in the categories:

    • "The highest professionalism”
    • “The highest flexibility”
    • “The quality of broker service on the secondary market”
    • "The quality of research reports and recommendations"

    In addition, investors have chosen the best brokers serving institutional clients. In the summary there were as many as 3 brokers from IPOPEMA - Piotr Konior, Stanisław Waczkowski and Przemysław Egeman, who was assessed as the best broker in Poland for the second time. 


  • 13.09.2011 IPOPEMA Securities is a partner of CEE IPO Roadshow - a series of meetings with companies and investors from Central and Eastern Europe and Israel

    IPOPEMA Securities, together with the Ministry of Treasury and leading investment banks actively supports the Polish capital market, promoting Warsaw as a regional financial center.

    Press information

  • 07.09.2011 No objection from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to the acquisition of shares in Credit Suisse Asset Management (Polska) by IPOPEMA Securities

    The Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) issued a decision to raise no objection to the intended acquisition by IPOPEMA Securities of a 100% stake in Credit Suisse Asset Management (Polska). After the approval from the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection obtained in May, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority's decision not to raise objection to the planned acquisition remained the last condition precedent to be fulfilled to finalise the transaction. The ownership title will be transferred upon the transfer of the shares to IPOPEMA Securities, which is planned for the end of September 2011. From that time on, CSAM Polska will become a subsidiary and member of the IPOPEMA Group.  

    Attached documents

    Press information


  • 24.08.2011 The IPOPEMA Securities Group posts PLN 12.8m in net profit for H1 2011

    The IPOPEMA Securities Group has published its financial results for the first half of 2011. The Group’s consolidated net profit for the first six months of the year, at PLN 12.8m, was 26% higher than in the corresponding period of 2010. The Group's revenue totalled PLN 55.1m, compared with PLN 50.2m in the first half of 2010.

  • 11.07.2011 IPOPEMA Securities is the leading broker in WSE and BSE trading

    In June 2011, IPOPEMA was ranked third in terms of share trading on both stock exchanges: in Warsaw (10,12% share) and in Budapest (12,22% share) as well. 

  • 08.07.2011 Research Department’s success: the best portfolio is based on analyst reports by Ipopema Securities

    According to calculations prepared by "Rzeczpospolita" daily, the best share portfolio is based on the positive and neutral recommendations issued by the Ipopema Securities. The average rate of return was over 75 percent, while WIG index rose during this period by about 20 percent only.

    Press information

  • 02.06.2011 Office of Competition and Consumer Protection has given a consent for taking control over Credit Suisse Asset Management by Ipopema Securities

    Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) agreed to the acquisition of Credit Suisse Asset Management Poland SA (CSAM). A positive decision by the UOKiK brings Ipopema Securities significantly closer to the moment of completion of the transaction to acquire 100% shares of CSAM. The acquisition depends now only on the authorization of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF).

    Documents for download:
  • 25.05.2011 IPOPEMA Securities - an official partner of the CEE IPO SUMMIT

    IPOPEMA Securities - an official partner of the CEE IPO SUMMIT. IPO Summit is a unique event for companies from CEE, for which the Warsaw Stock Exchange may be the source to obtain capital for further development, and for global financial investors seeking investment opportunities in this region.

    Press information

  • 11.05.2011 A good quarter for the IPOPEMA Securities Group

    The IPOPEMA Securities Group has published its financial results for the first quarter of 2011.


    The IPOPEMA Securities Group has published its financial results for the first quarter of 2011. The parent undertaking generated a net profit of PLN 4.6m, up by 59% from the previous year. Consolidated net profit of the IPOPEMA Securities Group for the first quarter of the year, at PLN 6.1m, was by 70% higher than in the corresponding period of 2010. The Group's revenue totalled 26.3m, having grown by 27.8% compared with the first quarter of 2010.


    Documents for download:
  • 15.03.2011 IPOPEMA Securities acquires Credit Suisse Asset Management (Polska)

    IPOPEMA Securities S.A. entered into an agreement to acquire 100% of the shares of CREDIT SUISSE Asset Management (Polska) S.A. The acquisition is in line with the IPOPEMA Group’s strategy of expansion in the area of asset management for institutional and corporate clients.

    Documents for download:

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